List/Report of Grade Book Cumulative Grades

In the report, Cumulative Export, having the ability to choose all students or filtering students by school level or grade level would be better than filtering by Department. This would provide a broader range of students to choose from for schools that have lots of students. Since lists cannot calculate the Cumulative Grade for grade books, it would be great if this report could be updated to reflect that Cumulative Grade per School Level.

  • Deleted User
  • Sep 21 2015
  • Implemented
  • Feb 8, 2018

    Admin response

    Great news! We released a new Gradebook Grades List in onCampus yesterday (2/7) that should provide you with the data you need. 

    Let us know if it doesn't not fulfill what you are looking for and we can clarify the idea request. 




  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    September 21, 2016 20:59

    YES! Please make this a priority! It's a bit surprising to me that this hasn't been made available. I constantly have our Head of School, Principal and Coaches asking for this information. They need to be able to run this data at a moments notice. They don't have time to run 8 reports for Middle School alone and consolidate the data on an Excel spreadsheet.