I heard today that the current Bounces list shows all e-mail addresses that ever bounced, which I suppose has some use (wait, does it? why do I care if an address isn't intended to be active anymore?). Anyway, I'd love to be able to see only those e-mail addresses that are currently used. Right now they are distinguished on the list between those that you can edit vs. those you can't - so you get a visual distinguisher - but it would be great to see only those addresses that users are still claiming are current. Thanks!
Hello David,
We recently added a filter on the bounce page that should help here. If you remove a bad email address from a record it will still show on the bounce page and it will not be editable. Using the "Bounces with removed emails" filter you can see only those addresses that have yet to be handled. Ideally you would mark them Bad from this section and that flag will get set to no longer send that address communication. Either way your list is able to only show those addresses that have yet to be handled.
Hope that helps.
Totally agree!
OK ... we also need the ability to EDIT and DELETE our ideas on here !!! Otherwise we can't fix our typos (like "All filter" instead of "Add filter").