We would like to prevent our corrections from being overwritten in the next data refresh from RE/EE

When we import data from EE and RE, then make corrections to the data, we would like to prevent our changes from being overwritten by the next EE/RE data refresh. Graduation years are stored differently in EE and RE. In one, it is 4 digits; in the other, it is two. When we do a data refresh from both programs, the graduation year shows up duplicated, and we have to manually fix all the records. We would like to prevent this, so that we don't have to correct the records again.
  • Deleted User
  • Sep 29 2015
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  • Audrey Peebles commented
    22 Feb, 2016 12:46pm

    Hello Janet,

    See my response below

    Kind Regards,

    Audrey Peebles Sterling Administrative Office | Sterling Education

    Tel +1-866-335-9446 or (248) 387-8002 x 13104 Fax + (647) 439-5487 Email audrey.peebles@sterlinged.org


  • Janet Wittenberg commented
    19 Feb, 2016 10:25pm

    Hi all,

    Can you clarify what is meant by "when we do a data refresh from both programs"?

    I would like to understand in which system you primarily update grad year,
    Which format should win - 2 digits or 4

    Are you running Connect EE?

    Are you running Connect RE?

    Are you running the EE<>RE integration?

    Thanks for the feedback!

  • Audrey Peebles commented
    4 Oct, 2015 12:12pm

    Not only that, but the syncing needs to be bi-directional.  I realize that is a work in progress, but hopefully that is the end goal for the whole ConnectEE plan??