Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-433 Ability to Organize School Forms.

Allow school forms to be organized in folders Merged

Our school has just started using OnBoard forms. It is possible over time to have hundreds of forms, making viewing/accessing unwieldily. Allowing forms to be organized in folders, e.g. Enrolment forms, Trip Permission forms, Media consent forms, would make this tool more useful and user friendly.

  • Lynda Torneck
  • Mar 31 2017
  • Guest commented
    April 20, 2018 23:08

    Yes, this would be very helpful for the faculty view, even by school years itself. If we could have forms in folders for school years that would make the viewing a lot easier and more efficient. However folders for any purpose would be more helpful.