Smart Tuition better handling of multiple children

When a parent views their contracts for more than one child, clicks to create a Smart account for each one, it seems that when they go back later to submit the contracts it doesn't put the 2 students together under the same account, but thinks that they need to create a new account for each one (because they may have clicked that they don't have a Smart account for each contract)

  • Yitzy Feiglin
  • Jun 12 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Yitzy Feiglin commented
    14 Jun, 2017 07:17pm

    Just to add to this, the simple solution for this would be to have the Smart Tuition account page appear after the contract terms & fees, before the payment plan selection page.

    As it works now, anyone wanting to pay for more than one student on the same Smart Account can't view the second contract without completing the first, because when they view the second one it's a catch 22: If they say yes, I have a Smart account, it asks for a login which they don't have yet because they haven't completed the first contract, but if they click no they will end up with 2 accounts and being charged the Smart Admin fee twice.