Add GENDER Self Identification Option

This is a very important subject to our school, we pride ourselves on being open and accepting to everyone in our community. We have a very diverse group of students, representing over 30 countries, and several different gender identifications.

We want our students to feel comfortable being themselves and know that we support them 100%.

An option we were thinking that could work is having a text-box under the Gender question on the application. Allowing students to fill in if necessary. This way we can still have their biological gender on record, and understand where they're coming from on a personal level.

1. I identify my gender as…
 __________ (fill in the blank)1. I identify my gender as… __________ (fill in the blank)
1. I identify my gender as…
 __________ (fill in the blank)1. I identify my gender as… __________ (fill in the blank)
1. I identify my gender as…
 __________ (fill in the blank)1. I identify my gender as… __________ (fill in the blank)
  • Guest
  • Jul 7 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Jonathan Tepper commented
    19 Jul, 2018 03:25pm

    Even as a local high school, this still seems necessary. Our secondary institutions have already moved in this direction, a solution like this would in line with what they are doing.  This needs to be an option.

  • Lucien Piekut commented
    19 Jul, 2018 03:18pm

    This is along the lines of what I would like to see as well. For so many external purposes (government, etc.) we still require the binary gender option but to then allow for the self-identification piece helps immensely with the acceptance and integration. Great suggestion!

  • Luc Martin commented
    21 Aug, 2017 06:27pm

    Or have the ability to edit the options that are available to us, not just male and female. Essentially letting each school control their own gender identification options. Blank fields could create numerous outcomes and possible confusion.

    Or we could create a new field to be included and  hardwired under the gender question that ask for Preferred Gender Identity...essentially two questions..Biological Gender and Preferred Gender Identity...

    I'd prefer the first option and allow schools to edit/add new gender identity's to their own list.

    And lastly, It is important that this gender identity questions be included in the applicant information field and not in a custom field. These questions should be asked next to each other, not separated by a multitude of other questions.