Remove the dependence of Contracts on Enrollment rows

When a contract is assigned to a school year for a student, the school is no longer able to do anything to the enrollment row for that student.  This means they can't correct grade levels, enroll or depart dates, or even remove the row entirely.  Schools would like to be able to make these changes without needing to remove the contract and re-add it every time.

  • Guest
  • Jul 17 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 19, 2018 18:47

    We should be able to tag a student that was accepted and will be repeating a school year. We ask this on our application however we are unable to pull any data unless it is tracked manually.

  • Mary Fenner commented
    April 19, 2018 17:47

    It is crucial in the enrollment process that we be able to indicate if a student is repeating a grade from the very beginning. 

    This is vital to our scheduling process. It would be more efficient and effective to our process.  Contracts should not have to be removed to make adjustments unless the student is changing grade levels.

  • Christine Nichols commented
    April 19, 2018 17:38

    This is vital to our scheduling process. We are most interested in being able to tag a student who is REPEATing a grade level so we can adjust courses accordingly.  It would certainly be more efficient and effective for the other reasons mentioned as well.  Contracts should not have to be removed to make adjustments unless the student is changing grade levels.