We currently have two Open House Registrations, one for our LS grades K-4 and the other for MS/US grades 5-12. On the event registration form, it would make sense if in the section called Candidate Fields > Entering Grade to see Grades K-4 as the options in the dropdown for the LS event and Grades 5-12 for the MS/US event. As this field is currently set up, the dropdown menu is forced to show all grade levels.
The new event registration experience is now live!
This has also been very problematic for us. Elsewhere, the system appends school division to the grade so that we can distinguish "2nd Grade - Campus 1" from "2nd Grade - Campus 2" for example. However, it currently just lists "2nd grade" two times, and parents are left guessing which one corresponds to which campus.
This is also preventing us from using event registrations for our school. At the very least, please remove the entering grade and entering year from the list of required information. We do not want to have all entering years available and would like to make this optional if it is not possible to only display specific entering years. Thanks.