Nick Name is misspelled on account creation and should be Nickname, or the more common to On products "Preferred Name"

A misspelling on the forms shows lack of attention to detail and although many people will just skim over that and not notice, many others will. Additionally, I believe this is the first time I have seen Nickname show up in any of the forms. I have seen preferred name everywhere else, including core. I think it should stay as preferred name to maintain consistency. At a minimum, please fix this misspelling as soon as possible.

  • Josh Quaid
  • Aug 29 2017
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • william pickett commented
    September 04, 2019 16:18

    It should be change to Preferred Name versus nick name given todays global environment.  Nick name should childish and in some instances could be considered insulting.


    All related.


