Ability to include all Core Relationship to applicant selections in Relationship to applicant dropdown

Schools would like to gather relationship information such as Uncle/Aunt and Cousin through an application. Currently, the relationships exist in Core but are not available in onBoard.

  • Guest
  • Nov 28 2017
  • Attach files
  • Daniel commented
    17 May, 2023 06:15pm

    Highly voted idea, added in 2017 (!!), seems like an obvious improvement....please add this.

  • Betty Dowling commented
    27 Oct, 2022 09:13pm

    this would be very helpful. We often have candidates who have had Uncles, Cousins attend our HS.

  • Isaac Judd commented
    22 Sep, 2022 08:45pm

    Please make these updates. It would be so helpful.

  • Cristina Conciatori commented
    15 Mar, 2022 12:20am

    this is much needed, or at the very least allow applicants to type in the relationship type if they choose other.

  • Priscilla Lopez commented
    15 Sep, 2021 11:27pm

    This is sad something so simple as a drop down field hasn't been updated in 5 years.

  • Stacey Sandvoss commented
    3 Mar, 2021 08:53pm

    This would be very helpful. We often have candidates who are the grandchild or niece/nephew of other users.

  • Claire Broadway commented
    22 Jan, 2019 05:06pm

    This would be super helpful.

  • Rachel Welsh commented
    30 Oct, 2018 05:05pm

    We encourage our families to share their connections to our school and the limited relationships make it difficult.

  • Peggy McBean commented
    22 Oct, 2018 01:54pm

    We really need flexibility in this field to extract information at the Application stage.  Aunt/Uncle/cousin would be a start at minimum.