When assigning contracts, there should be a filter option for "All, but 12th grade".

This would be a nice option to make the process of assigning contracts faster.   Logically, 12th grade students should not appear in the list when selecting "All", since they will not be attending in that future contract school year.

  • Guest
  • Dec 14 2017
  • Attach files
  • Mary Zieten commented
    January 07, 2020 20:41

    This is an older request, but I'm finding it applies to our current Assign Contracts task.  There is no grade filter, so you can't remove the 12th grade from the list, except by manually unchecking them.  This seems like a bit of an oversight, as I know some schools assign contracts by grade level, so the ability to rule grades in and out would be very helpful.

  • Guest commented
    December 21, 2017 14:06

    This is the filter I used when assigning batch contracts which came back with 12th grade students in the list:

    Role:  Student

    School Year:  2017-18

    School Level:  All Levels

    Grade Level:  All

    Contract Type:  No Contract for 2018-19

  • Veronica Esclamado commented
    December 15, 2017 13:57

    Current 12th grade students do not appear when you select All for the next school year.