Ability to customize and save Username Generator Notification

I would like to request the ability to customize the message and have that message be there each time they go through the username generator process.

  • Christine Nichols
  • Aug 27 2015
  • Implemented
  • Apr 12, 2018

    Admin response

    Hi All!

    We are thrilled to report that with this morning's release (3/7/18) we have added a way for you to save your own default text for the username generator notification. 

    Go under onBoard > Settings > Notifications and under the Admissions section you'll now see Username Generator as an available notification to manage.


    Click edit and you can modify the subject, body, etc:


    As always, thank you for your ideas to help us improve our software!


  • Attach files
  • Nathalie Miller commented
    7 Mar, 2018 05:31pm


    So excited about this idea being implemented! Thank you.

    One of the merged ideas for this was to also be allowed to include a link or an attachment to the email. Is this doable now? If so, how?


  • Guest commented
    7 Mar, 2018 04:13pm


    Thank you!

    Lori Orr

  • +8