Create Interview Openings linked to specific Staff

We would like to be able to add Interview Openings that are linked to specific staff members. We have three people in our office who interview and have different availability, and it would be great to be able to create openings that link to the specific/available staff member. Even if I could create my own interview openings when I'm logged into my OnBoard profile and my colleagues could each do the same, but as it stands now, Interview Openings in the scheduling feature are Global Openings. Creating different "Interview Types" is not a good workaround because parents see those in the self-scheduling. It would be an added bonus to have the Dashboard Calendar sync with our Google calendars, too!

  • Hilary Riley
  • May 16 2018
  • Attach files
  • Caroline M commented
    16 Nov, 2021 11:24pm

    Has there been anything like this implemented? We'd love this, too!

  • Guest commented
    1 Dec, 2020 06:56pm

    This would be so helpful!

  • Lauren Dennis commented
    1 Feb, 2019 09:19pm

    Please add this!!! We're in the same situation. We each have the same availability each week, but you don't allow us to include a staff member with an opening, only a booked appointment. So every time an interview is booked, someone has to remember to go in and add the staff member. It's twice the work and MEGA frustrating. The same with an agenda...we can't set the agenda for a visit until someone books the appointment. The agenda is always the same, but do you have any idea how much time we waste going in to every appointment that is booked to copy and paste in the agenda? It would be so helpful if we could set all of that when we set the openings up. Thanks!

  • Arthur Yao commented
    23 May, 2018 03:27pm

    Great idea!

  • Guest commented
    23 May, 2018 10:34am

    This would really help any team.

  • Kathleen Peak commented
    23 May, 2018 02:10am

    This is really great idea. Thanks Hilary.

  • Guest commented
    18 May, 2018 01:16pm

    Excellent idea - would make a huge difference for us.

  • Guest commented
    17 May, 2018 08:15pm

    This is a great idea Hilary!