Optional tuition insurance should make the parent choose 'Yes' or 'No'
Currently if the parent makes no decision and continues with the contract, it will default to 'No.' I think it should be a required field that lets the parent choose one or the other options.
To add on to this request, if a parent fails to click yes when it defaults to "No" and moves to the subsequent portion of the contract, should they not complete the contract and return to it later this option is completely locked out. So, they can't make a change if desired after the fact without us changing it for them on the backend.
I don't think the tuition insurance should be an option that is locked in this way once a parent moves the next contract screen.
To add on to this request, if a parent fails to click yes when it defaults to "No" and moves to the subsequent portion of the contract, should they not complete the contract and return to it later this option is completely locked out. So, they can't make a change if desired after the fact without us changing it for them on the backend.
I don't think the tuition insurance should be an option that is locked in this way once a parent moves the next contract screen.