Do not allow users to upload file types that are not supported.

Users are able to upload file types even if the file type is not supported by the system. For example, a teacher can upload a .gdoc file for a letter of recommendation. If we try to open it, we received a 50x error message and are unable to read the letter. Please add functionality that will give the user an error at the time they try to upload the file to say that it is not a supported file and then tell them what file types are acceptable. There is a similar issue that occurs if the family uploads a pdf file to the checklist for a photo step. Fortunately for this, if I catch it before processing, I can download it from the queue and convert it to a .jpg and then upload the .jpg to the candidate's record. If you process the .pdf before converting you lose the picture and have to ask the family to upload it again. Families shouldn't be able to upload a file format for a picture that isn't supported.

  • Barbara Palena
  • Jan 10 2019
  • Attach files