We would like the ability to change the order in which Smart Tuition's Terms are listed as well as having the deposit amount surround the fee schedule. This should all come after our schools enrollment agreement, being that this is the most important document and what they should see up front, rather than being bombarded with the finance end of it first (like selling a car).
Are there any admission offices having issues with the smart tuition integrated contracts? Please email me.
I agree. We have many variables that happen after the contract is signed that changed. For example due to COVID we've had to make so many more contracts and have had so many issues just to change tuition rates, FA, deposits and payment plans.Split deposits with split custody, split parents not wanting the other to see FA given on contract. Parents not telling us about the other custodial parent.the enrollment agreement simply cannot be locked. We need to be able to go in and make changes that get sent and updated in Smart. Versioning and sending/from Smart tuition data is needed badly. ie FA changes, remission changes, day to boarding,boarding to day changes, in house deposits having to be entered in two places, splitting deposits among parents. We also had so many payment plan errors with contracts not being able to be submitted because it was within 20 days of the payment plan due date. Its enough to make me not want to use Smart Contracts. Lastly we had Smart Contracts that were phantomly not getting sent to Smart. We've had to do so many manual returns.
Hi, Just curious about the workflow changes being asked for here.
Based on what's described, I'm envisioning that you have a contract with all your legalese, a parent signature field to collect signatures, and fee schedule. You want payment for the deposit to happen right after the fee schedule (or the review), and then the payment plan setup to come AFTER that, because at that point they have officially accepted?
Pardon if I misunderstood, but if this paraphrase is right this does sound like a more sensible workflow. The payment plan setup requirement is a bit tedious, especially when we have remission students or consulate families that are only paying the deposit or nothing and don't need a payment plan.
With the current process, there are several Enrollment barriers, before a family signs the Enrollment Agreement. For example, a family has to choose a payment plan and choose a payment method, before they have agreed to attending the school. Also, asking a family to sign a contract without listing the deposit amount is another barrier to enrollment. Signing the agreement should be as simple and smooth as possible.