Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OB-I-2426 Truth in Lending disclosure for Enrollment Management Contracts.

Ability to Toggle Incorporating a Truth In Lending Section Merged

So....we're providing TILA disclosures this year.  IT was a pain because we didn't want parent's clicking a link to go out of the contract.  We also have multiple tuition rates at one school,  and in an effort not to overwhelm the parent we created a separate template for each tuition level.  Still far less templates than we had before the January '19 changes - not complaining about that! 


But it would be so, so great if there's a pre-built section that we could enter the extra TILA data pieces into (APR & finance charge), and then ON just calculates the rest and outputs the disclosure with the same aesthetic as the rest of the contract. 


I was able to cobble some HTML and an image together into a section,  and it's legible but it looks a bit hokey.  It would just look cleaner if it was a system generated disclosure I think.  And having the calculations be responsive to the tuition of the particular student would just be tops. 

  • Karintha Marshall
  • Jan 29 2019