Add Ability for Current Families with Contract to Decline Contract

At the moment, only Parents of Candidates have the ability to decline admission as part of the decision process, and therefore do not need to complete a contract.

However, Current Parents who simply receive a contract as part of reenrollment do not have the ability within the contract to decline it if they choose to not return for the upcoming school year.  As a result, parents have to communicate this separately from the system.

Please add a block such that current / returning parents have the ability in a separate section of the contract to indicate as part of the contract whether they will continue or not continue to enroll their child(ren) at school.

  • Alex Orlebeke
  • Feb 14 2019
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Alex Orlebeke commented
    7 Oct, 2019 03:12pm

    At the Oct. 2019 Blackbaud Roadshow in NYC, there is now (or will be, because I couldn't see this in our system) a "Not Returning" block so families already enrolled in previous years can indicate they're not returning.

  • josceline reardon commented
    15 Feb, 2019 07:07pm

    Yesssss!!!! And a block where we could ask why they are planning to leave, where they are going, etc.... We follow up with all of our families, but to collect this info sooner would be great.