Don't ask to choose between multiple Smart Tuition year accounts when signing contract

When a parent has been using Smart Tuition for more than one year and go to sign the contract for the 3rd+ year, it gives them the option to choose between multiple Smart Tuition accounts which are really the same account, the only difference between them being the year (as told to me by Support, if they had 12 years of Smart accounts, 12 options would show up). This is confusing for parents and administrators - I'm sure we will end up fielding many phone calls addressing this. It makes no sense, if the family has only ever used one Smart Tuition account, just show them that one. To me this is more a bug than a feature request.

  • Yitzy Feiglin
  • Mar 8 2019
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    21 Apr, 2020 08:30pm

    We agree it causes confusion with the parents. We would love to have just one account showing!

  • Guest commented
    6 Feb, 2020 01:04pm

    Agreed!  It is so confusing and no matter how well you explain it to the parents in the email communication THEY DO NOT READ it and they still call and ask!

  • John Rorke commented
    28 Jan, 2020 05:03pm

    We just discovered this for the first time.  The accounts are already linked.  It's a terrible experience for them to have to select something that should be automatically determined.  Very poor design on this part of the integration.

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    27 Jan, 2020 06:28pm

    We were told no matter which one they choose, the correct year account will be set up. When we release contracts, we tell parents in the instructions it does not matter which one they choose.  Letting them know that cuts down on the confusion.  It still would be nice to just show one!

  • Guest commented
    24 Jan, 2020 04:37pm

    It should only reflect the most current year, not every one.  It's confusing to the parents and a headache at best.  Please fix this issue.  This should be a priority!!!

  • Guest commented
    24 Jan, 2020 04:31pm

    Agreed, please work to change this glitch.

  • Guest commented
    17 Jan, 2020 03:41pm

    I dread next week when I will have to answer the phone & emails for ALL of our returning families!!!