Candidate Enrollment after the contract is complete

A candidate was accepted by the school and issued a contract.  So now the parent Accepted the Candidate decision but has not completed the contract yet the enrollment tab shows the candidate is ready for enrollment.  A candidate should not be ready for enrollment until the contract is complete and then they accept the decision.

  • Julie Baker
  • May 7 2019
  • Attach files
  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    March 16, 2020 18:17

    Please combine with K12OB-I-385...I believe these are addressing the same issue!

  • Jeanne Townsend commented
    March 16, 2020 18:15

    It would be so helpful to add a filter to the Enroll/Inactivate function that allows the user to segregate candidates based on Contract Status...that way the user could include only candidates whose contracts are in the Processed status!

    We just this year began letting parents log in to receive their child's decision and let us know the child's response. Previously, we manually entered the candidate's response, so last year we had much more control over the list of candidates who were showing as "ready to enroll".

    Now that families can let us know their response, we have a much larger number of candidates showing up on our "ready to enroll" list BEFORE they have completed their enrollment contract. So we have to use a contracts list to identify which candidates are really ready, and then we use the Enroll/Inactivate function and manually select which candidates we want to enroll (only those who have completed their enrollment contracts). Seems like we could get around this with a contract filter in the Enroll/Inactivate function.

  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    May 07, 2019 15:31

    We fill out the "Candidate Decision" under "Decisions" ourselves, once the contract has been submitted. It's not something we allow parents to control, partly because it adds an extra step in the enrollment process.