7 Year Contract Archive Limit

The idea that after 7 year contracts will be destroyed is insane.  Accordingly black-baud they will destroy contact after 7 years from the system and not archive them doesn't make sense. We are a continuous enrollment school and our re-enrolling or new families only sign one time contract and they don't receive a new contract each year. So we have to keep the 2020-21 contracts on records and any new students contract added thereafter. We need our parents to be able to view the PDF and the school to access the original contract they signed at any time.  Especially when don't ask them to sign a new contract each year. Why should schools maintain paper files when we are online contract signing school. Please extend the 7 year archive limit and not destroy the history. We need to keep the history online in the system for record keeping or introduce a continuous enrollment contract, which automatically gets rolled over each year.

  • ami naik
  • Jan 22 2020
  • Unlikely to implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kelsey Huijgen commented
    April 30, 2024 18:25

    Hello! EMS will not automatically purge any of your contracts. However, we did add the ability for each school to purge the PDF copies of their contracts if they would like to. To get rid of the PDF copies of contracts, you can go to Admissions>Admissions Setup>Files & Forms. From there, find the Contract type and academic year you wish to purge, click the "..." next to that year and then click delete. As a note, this will delete the PDF copies of the contract from the database, but it will not delete the contract record from the student's record, so you'll always be able to see when you issued a contract and when it was returned.

    Hope this helps to clarify what's available in EMS!

    Kelsey Huijgen, Product Manager

  • ami naik commented
    April 29, 2024 18:14

    Please provide an update to this request?

  • ami naik commented
    September 20, 2023 16:30

    Any update to this request yet? How will blackbaud tackle this issue?

  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    November 03, 2022 17:26

    Has this been changed? I have access to contracts from 2014-2015.

  • ami naik commented
    July 20, 2020 18:08

    Any update on this idea to increase the amount of year...

  • ami naik commented
    January 22, 2020 21:45

    It makes more sense to increase the limit to 16 years vs. 7 yr. to cover Early PK to 12th grade level schools.