Remove "lock" for Home phone number on applications

Why, why, why do the applications still have the Home phone number locked and required to be filled in? Let's face it, the majority of people do not have home numbers anymore. It forces parents to put their cell numbers in the Home field for all applications which then creates tons of clean-up removing that cell number after the fact. We don't want duplicate numbers in the Home and Wireless fields. We don't want the parents wireless numbers listed as the student's home number. If it's current families applying for another child, it's cleaning up those same records for the second, third, and sometimes fourth time. And if you have ConnectRE, it's catching those before they process over to RE. PLEASE unlock that field!

  • Susan Ott
  • Feb 11 2020
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Yitzy Feiglin commented
    4 Mar, 2020 12:59am

    I would love to see an either/or requirement - they must enter at least one phone number and then a radio button to select type