Fields on application forms

Not all fields on application form gets transferred to core (contact card), while some are reportable and/or available on lists/advanced lists, a lot are not not exportable. information collected in these fields is totally useless as it can only be viewed by looking at the application form.

why aren't all the fields available in reports / advanced lists.

PLUS, no DOB field available in the household section. was advised by BB consultant not to re-purpose field (as we used Affiliation field to collect DOB) and not a good practice. So, why allow repurposing fields?

  • Asim Chowdhry
  • Jul 7 2020
  • Attach files
  • Sarah Singleton commented
    17 Jun, 2021 02:20pm

    I agree with this also. I think forms in general can use better flexibility in how the fields are created. These questions should also live in other parts of the record. It would be great if there was a way to choose which fields could be applied to other areas. An example would be creating a field on a form that you can also have appear when viewing the students record under CORE or Academics. A lot of times it may be information that needs to be present outside of admissions

  • Sarah Bienvenue commented
    16 Jul, 2020 06:22pm

    Hi there, have you seen our custom questions block and the conditional logic that you can apply? I'd love to know more specifics if those don't fit your needs.

    thank you,


  • Rachael Bell-Irving commented
    16 Jul, 2020 06:17pm

    We need a block that enables us to create our own question, where we can choose the question, requirements, and style (text, dropdown, yes/no), to allow for nuanced for specialty questions that may vary from different users. The limitations in application form builder inhibit our needs, and a "build your own question" block would accomodate those niche needs

    Also a checkbox question option is needed