Continuous Re-Enrolling Contracts renewal

Please add the ability to auto re-enroll student in enrollment management after a given student has signed a continuous enrollment. Currently we have to impersonate a parent to accept the re-enrolling students. We just want to auto accept and auto-re-enroll them in to next school year so there is a record in enrollment management. This will allow us to have all incoming and re-enrolling students records plus manage not returning lists from EM. Any idea when blackbaud will implement continuous enrollment contract????

  • ami naik
  • Oct 16 2020
  • Attach files
  • Candi Roberts commented
    October 25, 2023 19:16

    Our head of school wants us to implement continuous enrollment. We have found a lot of schools have left Blackbaud and returned to our former SIS specifically because of this issue. PLEASE implement this. It is definitely the way many schools are going.

  • Guest commented
    December 08, 2021 22:08

    This has our vote. Please implement a system for tackling continuous enrolment. So many schools are moving to this (rather than annual enrolment) and the only option is to implement workarounds to the existing annual enrolment system designed in EMS.