Not Returning Block

  • Carissa Goddard
  • Jan 20 2021
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Morgan Kunze commented
    22 Feb, 2021 09:40pm

    I agree with this - my suggestion is to rename the field "Decline to enroll" or something that more closely aligns with the form control choices.

  • Carissa Goddard commented
    20 Jan, 2021 12:24am

    Would love for the Not Returning block within the contracts to be re-worded or made less confusing. It seems counterintuitive to click Yes for Not Returning and clicking No if you are returning. Asking a positive question is better than asking a negative question for families.

    Could the block just be a Returning question?


    Yes or No

    If they click No then they are prompted to give a reason. If they click Yes they are taken to the contract.