Add filter for submitted contract in the assign contract type list

When you have to re-issue contracts, there is no way to assign in bulk to those who have not submitted a contract. We were able to do this before the new list system.

  • Amy Rogers
  • Feb 10 2021
  • Attach files
  • Kristofer Thurston commented
    May 02, 2022 15:03

    Yes, please!

    We multi-phase our reenrollment process, increasing the reenrollment fee for late reenrollment after a deadline. It would make it vastly easier to apply the additional contracts if we could filter the Assign Contract Types list by contract type and status.

    Currently, we have to generate a list of current students with a contract status of None or Saved, then go over to the Assign Contract Types list, filter down as best we can, then manually check all the boxes for the ones we need.

    Obviously, this can be an unnecessarily lengthy process, but also leaves us prone to human error when it could be easily automated.