Custom fields created in Core should be visible in EMS

We use a custom field to designate current families as financial aid or full tuition and would use this flag to sort and bulk assign contracts. Additionally, we use the field often in reporting. Although this example is specific to contracts, I'm sure that there are other (we have been live only 2 weeks)

  • Guest
  • Feb 11 2021
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  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    July 01, 2021 15:50

    Really wish I could vote for this about 500 times. Would save tons of time if this were implemented

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    July 01, 2021 15:49

    We use custom fields for: tracking where an inquiry came from via Google Analytics- (the stuff people actually enter in an inquiry form is not accurate); keeping up with changes in school program from year to year - we need to have a place for the current year's and next year's school program that is easily accessible in all modules; students who are definitely returning and those who are not ( we operate on a continuous enrollment model and filling the fields in the contracts are not helpful). We also add the homeroom teacher name since the system only supports this in Advanced Lists, and we need it in other places. There are LOTS of reasons to have custom fields available in Enrollment Management.

  • Kirstin McDonald commented
    February 11, 2021 19:13

    Is there a reason you are using a custom field instead of the Financial Aid field that already exists?