We would like to display the remaining 3 columns for Percentile, Scale, Stanines under Enrollment management. If we enter the information from enrollment management, we should be able to see it. You can see it from the academics tab after if the student enrolls, but our enrollment management team should be able to see it when needed.
I wholeheartedly support the comments that were added 5 years ago. Being able to customize the candidate summary information allows a school to match their review processes more efficiently rather than digging for the information.
We would like to display the remaining 3 columns for Percentile, Scale, Stanines under Enrollment management. If we enter the information from enrollment management, we should be able to see it. You can see it from the academics tab after if the student enrolls, but our enrollment management team should be able to see it when needed.
I wholeheartedly support the comments that were added 5 years ago. Being able to customize the candidate summary information allows a school to match their review processes more efficiently rather than digging for the information.
To be honest, being able to create a candidate summary that is customizable to the fields that we need would be best.
I'd add comments for test scores as well. We have some letter graded tests that we can't put in score. So they can fix that or add the comments area.