Set reminders and expirations based on time since publish instead of specific expiration dates

We conduct rolling admissions throughout the year and as such, our contracts and decisions do not have set expiration dates. This prevents us from taking advantage of automatic reminders since those are based on "x days before expiration."

We would much rather be able to set reminders and/or expirations based on time after a publish date. For instance, a default setting that the contract expires 7 days after the publish date, or send a reminder 5 days after published.

  • Marshall Chaney
  • Mar 12 2021
  • Attach files
  • Bethanne Stish commented
    6 Feb, 2024 09:44pm

    Yes this. We also need a way to send out the reminder when the contract is generated.

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    10 May, 2021 07:34pm

    We enroll students year round so we do not have a specific cut off date for when a form is due. It is preferable that all forms be completed within 2 weeks of signing the contract or within one week of starting school. Is there not a way to enable this?

  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    3 May, 2021 03:47pm

    I can't love this any more! Excellent suggestion, and we are facing the same issue.

  • Matt Wallace commented
    19 Apr, 2021 08:23pm

    I agree, this would be really helpful!