Include user ID in hard-coded profile header

User IDs are extremely useful in identifying and removing duplicate users, many of which are originally noticed in Enrollment Management. User IDs are a built-in tool for differentiating users.

A current practice is to edit the user's name to say "REMOVE," "KEEP," or another identifier and to use these new names to differentiate duplicates in Enrollment Management.

  • Hannah Falchuk
  • Mar 25 2021
  • Attach files
  • Hannah Falchuk commented
    May 11, 2021 13:36

    I agree - upfront, we should be alerted to potential duplicates with some common-sense signals.

    Since names aren't the only identifier when it comes to managing duplicate users, it would be great to see consistency between the hard-coded Core and Enrollment Mgmt. headers. Right now, only the name is carried between both, so when I have duplicate users, whose accounts can be differentiated by the Users IDs, I have to change the name to signal to the enrollment manager (and myself) which user should be deleted, instead of passing along the User ID number.

  • Kathleen Steinman commented
    April 08, 2021 16:30

    I see where you're going with this but think BB needs to first do a better job at identifying potential duplicates when we are processing Inquiries, applications and registrations. They should offer us more possible records to choose from that are potential duplicates. BB always misses things like 'Alex Smith' vs. 'Alexander Smith' even if he has the same parents, same address etc. I don't think attempting to match on the User ID will be helpful here because until you process the record the User ID for these two records are unique until you confirm to BB that yes, this is indeed a duplicate and at that point, it merges the records and removes the duplicate.