Expand Notes on Enrollment Checklist Steps by Default

We have a lot of great info in some of our checklist steps, and if a parent does not click on the title of the step, they never see the notes. We would like to request the option to set the notes on an enrollment checklist step to be shown or expanded by default rather than collapsed/hidden.

  • Anita Pinkerton
  • Mar 31 2021
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    18 May, 2021 08:35pm

    This is the same as another idea from 2015. Please merge with

  • Kathleen Steinman commented
    7 Apr, 2021 06:46pm

    Yes! Please! We spend so mchh time trying to figure out how to describe exactly what we want/need within the character limits. Please expand!