Modify EMS Reports/Re-Enrollment Reports/Contract Summary Totals to have option to exclude contracts in "Submitted" status

I am requesting consistency in data representation between the output of the Enrollment/Analyze function and the output of the standard report in Reports/Re-Enrollment Reports/Contract Summary Totals, or the option for this report to exclude contracts in "Submitted" status.

Currently, the Enrollment/Analyze function includes a contract status of "Submitted", which according to support, Submitted is assigned when the contract is signed by all required parties, and then submitted fully. At this stage, the contract may be awaiting processing by school admin. For our particular case, we are seeing contracts in "Submitted" status when the contract is signed by all required parties, but the Admissions office has not received the required deposit.

The current output of Reports/Re-Enrollment Reports/Contract Summary Totals includes contracts in "Submitted" status, which results in a discrepancy in enrollment count between it and the Enrollment/Analyze function.

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  • Apr 8 2021
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