Reapply Student Option Major Issues to Fix

Once enrolled, the system adds a grad year for the last year they attend before they have to reapply. This gives our little students a grad year of middle and upper school students.


#1. The student immediately gets pulled to push page lists that they should not receive

#2. The Middle or Upper School division thinks they have a new student and are confused because they haven't seen the name during the application process.

#3. Admissions is unable to put the reapply student into an "incoming role", so if you accidentally enroll them or the contract is set to auto enroll, their "candidate" role is removed and you can no longer send them Official Notes through the Enrollment Management module.

  • josceline reardon
  • Apr 28 2021
  • Attach files
  • josceline reardon commented
    27 Apr, 2023 02:57pm

    In addition, when this reapply student submits their contract, the candidate role is stripped and they do not receive an incoming student role, so we can no longer filter in Finalsite to communicate with these parents until the school year is flipped in Blackbaud. Because they do not receive an incoming student role and lose the candidate role, Finalsite is unable to use the Admissions fields to filter, like "candidate decision" accepted, so it also pulls all of the reapply students that are not going to move on and attend the next grade.