Eliminate the need for reapplying candidates to fill out an inquiry form or call before applying

We have an incredibly large number of candidates who, for whatever reason - were denied, didn't end up moving to our area, didn't complete the process, etc. - reapply the following year. We require that they submit a new application when they reapply. They should not have to fill out an inquiry form or call our office before submitting their application. This is an additional step that is unnecessary and extremely time consuming for both prospective parents and our admission team. Please allow reapplying candidates to apply right away, without jumping through other hoops.

  • Joanna Craik
  • Apr 30 2021
  • Attach files
  • Ash Smelkinson commented
    May 04, 2021 12:47

    I'd be fine with them having to Inquire again, just because their circumstances may have changed, and our Application requires more information than the Inquiry that must then be processed.

    If processing the Application were as detailed as the Inquiry section (where you could choose which data is retained when someone who is already in the system submits another Inquiry) then I’d be all for allowing people to go straight to the Application.

    I think the real issue here is how once you roll over the year, the accounts for Parents of Candidates are automatically disabled, requiring us to manually check “no” in Core.

    Assuming there isn’t a way of doing this already that I’m missing, it would be GREAT to be able to choose the circumstances that these accounts are disabled, and be able to easily re-enable them in bulk.