Allow International Bank Accounts / Credit Cards / Wires to go through the deposit payment

We have such a high percentage of international families that get blocked at the deposit payment part of their contract due to not having a US Bank account. They then wire the payment separately to our school bank, I need to notify Admissions that the deposit is here, they have to manually process the contract to Smart Tuition (which rarely works and I end up manually entering all the data anyway), etc. If a parent could make a deposit with their international bank / wire / credit card directly no the contract submission all our lives would be easier. The current process is tedious and causes a lot of confusion to our international families. It also causes a lot of checking, double checking, etc. of Smart Tuition to be sure all the billing and payments are accounted for properly.

  • Guest
  • May 12 2021
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    April 24, 2023 15:36

    Ditto here. We have to set the deposit amount to zero so parents can sign and setup Tuition Management.