Fix transphobic dropdown list

It is extremely important to us to use language that is inclusive of all people and all parental relationships, particularly for the trans members of our community. The form that pops up when you click Create Account is the form we need to update. The dropdown option reads: Mother, Father, Guardian, Grandparent. This dropdown list is not comprehensive of trans and non-binary parents. To fix this, BlackBaud can add 'parent' to the dropdown list. Alternatively, a text fields would be great so that people can describe their own relationships, rather than providing a binary-gendered list.

We'd appreciate some attention to this issue as it reflects the essential values of our school and our community. All this being said, BlackBaud unfortunately decided to close the ticket before a resolution was reached because an update would 'affect other schools'.

  • Guest
  • Aug 2 2021
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  • Guest commented
    August 06, 2021 15:06

    Hi Sarah - great. I'll look for that update on Tuesday.

  • Sarah Bienvenue commented
    August 05, 2021 15:24

    Hi there, as a first step, we will be adding parent as an option in the drop down, this will be live next week on Tuesday, ultimately the goal will be to allow for schools to control which relationships appear there. We will also make sure that we're including parent in other areas of our forms.

    Thank you,


  • Guest commented
    August 04, 2021 16:06

    Great. We already include a trans-inclusive parent option on our applications and all other forms. In my school's experience, only the BlackBaud created forms are transphobic. A timeline would be helpful so the school has an answer when prospective parents wonder why a required form is transphobic.

  • Sarah Bienvenue commented
    August 03, 2021 23:55

    Hi there, thank you for the feedback. We're working on a few changes that should help with this. We're hoping to include the same options that we have available on the application as well as give you the option to not ask the question at all. When I know more about what this will look like and when it would be available I will let you know.

    Thank you,

    Sarah Bienvenue

    Senior Product Manager EMS