Student checklist school form step does not change recipient list

Currently, when a school form is attached to a Student Checklist checklist step, this automatically adds the student and/or parents as form recipients to the applicable school form. If the checklist step is marked as completed, the school form is not automatically marked as Submitted. This makes it so that students and/or parents would need to either complete the form even though they would be exempt (in these cases), or a faculty member would need to manually remove the students and/or parents from the form recipient list. We would like to have the checklist step status update the school form recipient list in these cases.

  • Chris P
  • Aug 5 2021
  • Attach files
  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    August 19, 2021 14:34

    We are finding that adding a checklist to a student does not automatically add them as recipients of the form. We are seeing that students are only added as recipients once they visit that step in the school form. I was just about to request that students and parents be added as recipients automatically when a checklist is added. Can someone who understand the Student Checklists please chime in? How does it function? Are students and parents automatically added as recipients of a form when a checklist containing that form is added to assigned to a student?