Ability to assign a new checklist for the same academic year but for a different session

When a student applies to our institution for an academic year, they are also applying for a particular "session" (semester) during that academic year. If a student is not accepted for that particular academic year/session (2021-2022/Fall), they NEED the ability to apply for the second semester of that same academic year (2021-2022/Spring), WITHOUT the need for us to delete their application form that they submitted for the prior semester of that same academic year, so that we can maintain accurate information as to the quantity of applications and the submissions dates.

Just as a student may apply for a different academic year altogether, and a toggle feature appears at the top of their profile to switch between entering years and checklists, please include the ability to allow for a student to apply for the same academic year twice, but tie it to different entering sessions (semesters). This allows us to maintain accurate information in Blackbaud to know the date of submission of applications for particular academic years for a particular semester.

  • Cecelia Gronemeyer
  • Sep 3 2021
  • Attach files
  • Regina Lewis commented
    25 Jan, 2022 08:12pm

    could work for summer school as well.