I cannot think of a reason for which the system doesn't allow deletion of draft Official Notes. There should be an option to remove them to clean up the list and to avoid any possible errors in sending the wrong one.
It's crazy that one cannot delete an official note draft-in bulk or individually. also, if one decided to send the draft, it would be great to be able to send in bulk instead of individually.
Ditto all the comments below.
This feels like a no brainer. Please add this feature.
I cannot think of a reason for which the system doesn't allow deletion of draft Official Notes. There should be an option to remove them to clean up the list and to avoid any possible errors in sending the wrong one.
It's crazy that one cannot delete an official note draft-in bulk or individually. also, if one decided to send the draft, it would be great to be able to send in bulk instead of individually.
The only way to delete an draft of an official note is to send it to the family, then delete. This is unprofessional. Please add a delete option.