Inactive Users Manually Re-enabled should remain Active for 365 Days

We have families inquiring years ahead for admission to a given year or to get on the waitlist. Most of them will not log on till they are ready to apply after a year or longer, which means they will be deactivated due to inactivity. If we set up a process to re-enable them, the account will only remain active for 30 days and automatically deactivate if there is no activity. Well this is radicicolous and we need this time to be extended if a school has manually re-enabled a user.

Sometimes parents don't log on for weeks or months till they are ready. In this case you have created additional manual work our database mangers and for us to have to review inactive account again each month to see who we need to re-enable again if they are an active candidate family. Can we please extend the time of someone who would be manually re-enabled by the schools to remain active past 30 days of inactivity? We need the re-enabled used to go past 30 days inactivity time limit, which really should extend out to another six to 12 months.

  • ami naik
  • Jan 25 2022
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