Please include Application in "outstanding items"

We have several applicants who are working on their checklists but they've never finished their application. Every time we send an "outstanding items" official notice, it seems to reinforce the oversight of the application.

It seems like Blackbaud assumes the application would be submitted first, but when it's not (which is frequent for us), it makes it hard for us to have to manually look it up and ask them.

It would be terrific if the application could simply be included in the outstanding items if that is possible, to eliminate this difficulty.

Thank you!

  • Tamara Photiadis
  • Jan 29 2022
  • Attach files
  • Tamara Photiadis commented
    January 29, 2022 01:24

    Another (big) issue is that sometimes a candidate has completed everything EXCEPT their application, so when we send out an "outstanding items" official note, these people don't get any notices at all. This seems like an oversight in programming, and causes our candidates to stall unless we are manually following up with those candidates. Thanks again for considering it!