Active/Inactive or and School Year Filter on Student Checklists

Please could the student checklist on BBK12 under Enrollment/Student Checklist/Manage Checklists have an added filter to select the school year or active/inactive. We use the same Registration checklist format each year but the student checklist export only shows the steps completed from the initial year and not the active year. This is important to keep track of the steps completed for the new school year for a number of departments as well as the parents. Thank you.

  • Guest
  • Feb 7 2022
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Petra Hall commented
    1 Aug, 2022 05:47pm

    Now that we have a few years of checklists to sort through, checklist management is becoming unwieldy.

    Without this filter, we have to add the year to the start of the checklist name, or we can't tell which year's checklist we are trying to filter on. This makes them look odd on the student checklist tab: 2022-2023 Incoming Students - 2022 - 2023.