Ability to add Tuition Management Family Id when it is not return to Enrollment Management

Good afternoon,

I would like to add an enhancement request to solve an issue that we have every contract season. The issue is when a payer is completed and integrated contract, and every so often something happens where the TM Family ID is not returned back to EM. It seems to happen when the payer navigates away from the confirmation page before the submitted response is returned or something times out.

What ever the case may be, when this happens, the contract for that student sits in Processed status, and it looks like the payer still needs to complete. When the payer tries again they get an error message , that the account already exists. When it is a single student situation , we can manually return the contract. Although this is not ideal. The situation compounds when there are additional students to be enrolled. When this happens, the integration breaks for all remaining students on that family account. The solution for the last several years, has been to manually return the contracts once signed, and then do a manual add, of the student with their billing, and ask the payer to log into TM to make the payment. This is a horrible experience for all parties involved.

That was the background for this enhancement - can we build an edit box, in EM where we can add the family ID in these cases, and manually reset the linking so the payers can complete the contracts without the run around that has to occur now?

Thank you

  • Michael Zuchowski
  • Feb 11 2022
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    • Chari Nickerson commented
      07 Feb 19:21

      Mathiew Farrugia, you stated that perfectly. On the school side, it feels unprofessional when contracts glitch, particularly for families new to the school. When executed properly, a smooth contract return process underscores that new (and returning) families have made a great decisions in selecting our school. Glitches = Doubt. I've created a case in BB Case Central with this issue and how it manifested for those of us on the Enrollment Management side. Case Number: 019989709. Enrollment Management not receiving contract "return code" from TM when a parent submits deposit payment. In other words, a parent paid and their ACH showed up in TM, but their contract appeared as untouched and never returned in EM. This year, the accountability means I (EM) have to walk in lock-step with our Business Office (TM). We have never had to call for support on so many contract returns.

    • Mathieu Farrugia commented
      February 13, 2022 16:50

      On the parent side, getting an error when trying to complete a document that asks them to commit tens of thousands of dollars is a terrible experience. It should be a rock solid process. And when it's not, the solution should be as seemless for them as possible.

      On the school side, the contract process is a legal process. It is crucial that the families themselves complete it. Asking a school employee to "manually" return the contract does not have the same validity and can be challenged if there are future disagreements.