Add "Inactivation Date" Column in Options to candidate list.

It would be very helpful to include the column option for "inactivation date" in candidate lists, to see exactly when a candidate was inactivated.

  • Cecelia Gronemeyer
  • Feb 17 2022
  • Attach files
  • Brian LeBlanc commented
    18 Feb, 2022 09:06pm

    Cecelia - I agree that this would be very helpful. One way we've managed to work around this limitation is to look up the student in Core>People Finder, then on the Access tab click "Role Membership" then click View History. That will show you the date on which a student's role changed, for example from Candidate to Past Candidate.

    That said, it would indeed be quite beneficial to have this be a searchable (or at least displayable) field in a candidates list.