Add automatic calculator for Tuition Insurance premiums for Contracts!

When tuition insurance is required for a family and they receive a scholarship or financial assistance that reduces the net tuition balance, we have to post-date the contract, generate it, manually calculate the 2.2% insurance premium amount and edit that part on the Enrollment Contract. I would love for there to be a way for us to just plug in the percentage and have it automatically calculated similar to what is available for the enrollment deposit. Having to go in manually to fix dozens of students is a bit crazy.

This year, after I did all of the above, the system REVERTED all of them back to full price of the premium! Blackbaud tech support could not tell me why this would happen (scary) and suggested it was because someone generated the contracts again, therefore resetting all figures. No, I am the sole person who knows how to do this and I DID NOT regenerate the contracts.

If there was an automatic calculation present, this would not have happened. PLEASE make this possible. Thank you.

  • Ruth Loy
  • Mar 2 2022
  • Attach files