Allow Event Registrations (New) to return to editable after registrants are deleted/canceled

It is a major inefficiency to have to copy the (NEW) event registration forms every time there is a test entry for the form. It would be great if there was a "delete" option available in the status menu which would allow a form to return to pre-registrant status and then become editable again. Having to re-attach dates and reminders and entering years and entering grades each time we copy a form is extremely inefficient. We should simply be able to return a form to an editable status.

  • Zach Limoges
  • Dec 22 2022
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kelsey Huijgen commented
    8 Aug, 2023 07:39pm


    When accessing an event registration form, an instance of that form is created (even before it's submitted), which is what was locking down the registration form for editing. We recently added a Forms Submissions list for each event you've created, where you can see any forms that have been submitted. As of today, you can now also see any forms that have been started but not submitted. This means if you've accessed the form for testing, you can go into that list and delete that Started form, which will return your form to being editable. Hope this helps!

    Kelsey Huijgen, Product Manager

  • Chrystalle Kiefer commented
    26 Jan, 2023 02:26pm

    This is extremely important for the testing process!