to look up by phone number (any set of numbers in sequence)

In Core, Enrollment or Billing Management to look up by phone number (any set of numbers in sequence) not having to use all 10 (+) digits in a phone number

Often we get messages from our constituents and no name is left just phone numbers We need to be able to look up by at least the last 4 digits of a phone number

  • Ossy Goldenberg
  • Feb 1 2023
  • Attach files
  • john ronan commented
    February 28, 2023 14:51

    Couple comments:

    1. You can always create and use an advanced list for this.

    2. In only voted for this so I could enter this comment.
      I would rather see a general "lookup screen" a la Education Edge, which presents a dialog of many attributes of a record, where one can enter any number of criteria. and one should be able to use wildcarding for each criterion .