Duplicate Deposit or Fee Payments

I created a case in which I complained about a parent having a charge process twice on their card. I get it, it happens. Maybe a finger gets too excited or happy and hits the submit button more than once. The result was "I received confirmation that when a payment is accidentally double submitted, it is normal for that duplicate payment not to show up in Reconcile Deposits." The process is called RECONCILE DEPOSITS. It should reflect all transactions that processed, not just the one transaction that we wanted to process. I could easily catch the duplicates if they were listed, but it isn't designed to reveal this to me. So what happens is the customer catches the error and I refund it weeks later. Yes, I could look at the processor's reporting, but the processor's reporting doesn't track each transaction by student name the way RECONCILE DEPOSITS does. If you can't provide an accurate audit trail within Enrollment Management, then at least call it something else but don't call it "reconcile deposits" because you are not. Just call it "useless list that matches your enrollment contracts."

  • Bob Crawford
  • Feb 10 2023
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