Allow customization of the "Add Tuition Insurance?" verbiage

We have two different different contracts for parents, one where tuition insurance is optional and another where tuition insurance is required. On the latter, when it says "add tuition insurance?" and then underneath it says "yes - required", the add tuition insurance? makes it seem like adding it or not is optional. Yes, we have language above and around it that says it's required but this is still something that confuses some and keeps getting brought up every year. It would be great if we could amend that hard coded language.

  • Ruth Loy
  • Feb 10 2023
  • Attach files
  • Ruth Loy commented
    10 Feb, 2023 06:07pm

    and putting the fees in "required fees" won't work as we need to amend the premium amount for thoe who receive financial assistance and/or a scholarship. Adding them to the fees section doesn't allow for those amounts to be corrected on the front end for families.