Admissions Checklist should include Committee Review step type

When an Admissions person assigns a candidate to Committee Review, this should trigger a status change on a step like "Assigned to Committee Review." Right now it seems the new(er) Committee Review module isn't talking back to the EMS checklist. After talking with support, I learned the "step types" are hard-coded and there isn't anything that relates to the Committee Review module.

Here's my user story:

As an admissions rep, I want to be able to see Committee Review status/progress on my candidates' checklists so that I can better manage my workflow and so that I have a better understanding of where candidates are in the admissions process.

  • Karin Cintron
  • Mar 1 2023
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    2 Mar, 2023 05:01pm

    It would be great if we can assign them to Committee Review from their profile instead of going to Committee Review.

  • Brian LeBlanc commented
    2 Mar, 2023 02:03am

    This would be very helpful. Right now the only way to check to see if committee review has been assigned is to search for the candidate in a committee review list, which is cumbersome when there are many candidates to fish through.